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2021 Rewind: Taking a bow to the year of the cow in Japan

2021 was the Year of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac. To wrap up the year, we’ve compiled 7 stories on cows that took the stage throughout this year.


Our first pick is about a bull from west Japan.

<< Japanese ‘miracle cow’ who lived 2 decades after being swept out to sea honored in bronze >>

SHOO, Okayama — A statue of a bull who returned home alive after being swept onto the shores of an island some 90 kilometers away by typhoon flooding was unveiled here on Feb. 6. Full story.

Other stories on Japan’s cows include …

<< Send in the cows: West Japan city rents cattle to graze on land where farming pests hide>>

SHIMONOSEKI, Yamaguchi — In a bid to prevent pests damaging agriculture and forestry crops, the Asaoi neighborhood of this western Japan city is allowing cows to graze on deserted arable land where deer, wild boars and other animals typically hide. Full story.

<< Toxic emissions: Hokkaido univ. professor on challenges in reducing cow burp methane by 80%>>

TOKYO — Cow burps expel large amounts of methane, a gas with 25 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide and a significant global-warming contributor. But one research team is working toward achieving decarbonization by trying to eliminate 80% of cow belches’ methane content by 2050. Full story.

This year’s animal also found itself on the platters of two world leaders —

<< What’s the beef?: Untouched burgers at Japan-US summit talks spark speculation online>>

TOKYO — Speculation is circulating on social media as to why Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga and U.S. President Joe Biden did not touch the burgers prepared for their lunch meeting during Suga’s visit to the White House to hold his first in-person talks with his American counterpart. Full story.

And here are a couple picks for all meat lovers.

<< Does feeding sake lees to cows make beef taste better? Experiment underway in Japan>>

TOYAMA — Japan is famous for its sake, and for its beef. Now, an initiative in central Japan’s Toyama Prefecture launched in fiscal 2020 is bringing the two together, feeding sake lees, or sake kasu, to beef cattle to both reduce waste and make tastier steaks. Full story.

<< Beloved Nagasaki Pref. ‘beef paradise’ restaurant forced to close after 53 yrs. >>

ISAHAYA, Nagasaki — At the end of July, a beloved family restaurant here will draw the final curtain on 53 years of history, succumbing to the coronavirus pandemic, the lack of a successor to take over the business, and the inexorable deterioration of the building itself. Full story.

<< Japanese restaurant makes video of beef roasting in hot car to warn of heatstroke dangers>>

MAEBASHI — A yakiniku barbecue restaurant in this east Japan city has used a YouTube video to warn of the dangers of heatstroke by showing how temperatures inside cars during summer can rise to levels high enough to roast beef. Full story.

Finally, we arrive at a bonus bovine piece on cute “cows” that may bring a smile to your face in the New Year.

<< Parading penguins in cow pattern costumes a hit at west Japan aviary park>>

MATSUE — African penguins in cow pattern costumes have proved a popular attraction at an aviary park in the western Japan prefecture of Shimane, as the Chinese zodiac sign for 2021 is the cow. Full story.
